Saturday, March 1, 2008

I have been DEAD to the world!!!!

That's right! Dead to the world this last week and I'm sure a few more weeks! Why you may be asking yourself... ;) Well....I got a hold of the "Twilight" series. They are A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! The books were written by Stephenie Meyer. Oh! How I wish I could write like her! I can NOT put these books down. And I have in the last week, read them twice!!! And I'm gonna read them AGAIN!!! sorry to shout people but I cant say enough about these books. There's 3 books so far...the fourth is coming out in August I believe, so yes I have to wait...and if you know me I hate playing the "hurry up and wait" game! And I'm soooo bumbed! There are making a movie out of the books and they are filming here in Portland....and asking for xtras to be in the movie! BUT!!! I have to work...u know....maybe I should quit my job and make being an xtra my job, sure I wouldn't get paid for being an xtra but HEY I'll be in her movie! And, while I'm being an xtra, maybe I should stalk "Edward", the main character in the THAT!...should be my full time job!!!....wishful thinking, I know I know I know!!! :-( I honestly thought the other day...maybe I should "highlight" all my favorite parts cause I keep going back to the parts I love...but then I don't want other people sneaking into my book and finding out what parts or sections I crave!! So.....if you have not picked up these books...SHAME ON YOU! Get your butt over to the store and get them....I promise! You will NOT be disappointed!!...and your life, like mine right now....will only revolve around these books! ;)