Wednesday, May 7, 2008


NEED I SAY MORE!!! The above link will take you to the Twilight Trailer "Teaser"!! it's like barely a minute long but if you play it over and over again, it can be like oh...10 minutes long or something like that :) needless to say, I have played it over and over!! I can't get enough of it! His accent, his hair, his smile at the end before he flies out into the woods!!! And Emmett's voice!! These guys are to die for! The special affects are amazing! December can NOT come soon enough! I am seriously beyong excitement to see this movie...I knew they were going to make a great movie but THIS! is going to be beyond our expectations! Simply amazing!!! It makes my heart go "THUD THUD" out of my chest!!...or does HE make my heart go "THUD THUD" ;) p.s. the OME!!! stand for - OH MY EDWARD!! just in case you didn't know ;)