I cant wait for summer to SHOW UP already! :)
And this summer is going to be different for us.
By the time summer rolls around Im excited and then not sooo excited.
As a working mom you dred summer cause theres really nothing you can do during the weeks of summer break.
your kids are stuck inside or out in the backyard and
your house is ALWAYS messier then you left it that morning.
Im tired of crappy summer weeks.
I cant stay home this summer but I can do some things to make it a bit better.
I have issued some GOALS for all 5 us.
Shawni over at 71 toes (whom by the way I just simply adore and wish I could be as awesome as she is.)
they have summer goals and she also wants to turn her kids into bookworms. and I thought I sooo want to do this!
This will be PERFECT for the summer dred.
So, last night I talked to the kids about it and so far they are excited!
there are 3 areas of goals
1- physical
2- spiritual
3- mental
We will also be going to the Library atleast twice a month and I expect book reports! :)
So by Sunday they will present me their goals and on Monday we head to the Library and
we will have started!!
Here's to better Summer weeks!!